We've never had a real tree before. (Wait, that's a lie, apparently we had a real tree when I was really little but I don't remember it at allll so I don't count it).
We've always had an artificial one, and whilst it has always looked fantastic, there's something that little bit more special about a real tree. I mean, the needles dropping and the having to buy one every year is a bit more of a hassle than just assembling one from a box, but in my opinion, it is SO worth it. I think I've wholeheartedly been converted.
Our tree was very kindly gifted to us by the guys over at Pines and Needles and I love it. We visited their Bournemouth store, which is on Christchurch Road in Boscombe, and got to pick which of their trees we wanted to bring home with us. Now, as I'm sure you're all very much aware by now, I have a puppy. He's a very inquisitive, bouncy cockapoo and to be honest, we were considering not even having a tree this year. I mean, we're literally putting a tree covered in shiny balls and lights inside the house, what could possibly go wrong...
Anyway, my Mum came up with the great idea of getting a slightly smaller tree and putting it on our little grey table in the lounge - what a genius. Now, I think the one we opted for was a little bigger than the one she had in mind but I actually think it looks great. Plus, more importantly, the stand is out of Murphy's reach so no drinking the tree water for him and the tree is at least a tiny bit more protected from him jumping up at it!
Pines and Needles had so many different sizes and varieties of trees to pick from and in the end, we opted for a 5ft Nordmann which retails at £46.00. This particular variety is known to be no-drop (win) and also has soft needles which is great for those with pets, apparently (double win!).
The staff at the shop were so friendly and when I say there were loads of trees to choose from, there were LOADS of trees to choose from.
There are lots of locations across the UK, and the trees are grown up in the Highlands, reducing shipping emissions had they'd been grown elsewhere.
When we got home we sawed the end of the tree off giving it a fresh cut and put it straight in a bucket of water. Hopefully, it'll last until the 25th - assuming Murphy doesn't get to it first! If anyone has any tips for stopping puppies from playing with the tree, I'm all ears!
I really enjoyed my experience picking a tree and I can't stop staring at it - it's so festive and pretty!
Are you a real tree or artificial tree kinda person?
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